
Raspberry Pi情報彙整(34)

我將網路上看到的、感興趣的、跟Raspberry Pi相關的資訊收集如下。如果您發現任何新奇驚人的新聞或專案,還請留言告知。

Raspbook V1.0 雷射切割外殼完成 | CAVEDU教育團隊技術部落格,Raspberry Pi加10吋螢幕再加上鍵盤與其他,雷射切割具有木質風的外殼,well done, Cavedu。

Introducing: PIvena | WildCircuits,無獨有偶,這裡也有一台Pi筆電。
[Raspberry Pi 有事嗎?] 七彩氣冷散熱殼 | CAVEDU教育團隊技術部落格,外殼整合了會發光的風扇,超頻到1000 MHz,基本操作下溫度都不會超過35度。
Satellite system makes eagle spotting a doddle in Scotland,追蹤稀有生物相當困難,何不運用科技呢,在蘇格蘭架設了這種WiSE系統,透過衛星回傳影像與資料。
Slice – a media player using the Raspberry Pi Compute Module | Raspberry Pi,rpi基金會推出的Compute Module更促進消費性電子產品的開發,之前已經看過Otto,現在又來個Slice(募資截止期限2014/09/26),簡言之就是一台放在客廳裡的數位媒體中心。
Project Curacao Moon Transit Movie - Raspberry Pi Camera - SwitchDoc Labs,在MagPi裡有著連載的Curacao專案,可長期監控野外環境;運用相機模組拍攝月亮的移動。下圖是控制面板。
Layer by Layer: Designing Raspberry Pi B+ Case « adafruit industries blog,教你設計Model B+的外殼。
Pi2D2 – Wifi, Webcam, Video Projection, R2D2, and You! | Andrew Langley's Blog 'n Such,改造R2D2,加入許多新能力。
140814 Raspberry Jam:Eben Upton 話說從頭@噪音咖啡廳 | CAVEDU教育團隊技術部落格,Eben來台,首站在此,最後一站則是到大同大學與FutureWard,我也有幸站上講台說了幾分鐘的話Why Raspberry Pi is popular? -merely personal comments-
Personal-Pi Smart Jacket by Matt Brasseur — Kickstarter,把一整台電腦穿上身,有rpi、有鍵盤、有麥克風、有顯示器、有喇叭,嘿,真有你的。
Pi Wars | Raspberry Pi,CamJam在年底將要舉辦Raspberry Pi機器人競賽,有著各種項目,譬如尋跡、高爾夫、避障、相撲等等,趕快動手準備吧。
Ignition: A Social Retro Gaming OS for the Raspberry Pi by Alex Stubbs — Kickstarter,復古遊戲機,加入許多社交功能。
UniPi - the universal Raspberry Pi add-on board | Indiegogo,好大的一塊擴充板啊,號稱什麼都有,包含繼電器、數位輸入、1-Wire控制器、類比輸入、類比輸出、即時時鐘、EEPROM;已成功募資。
PiKase Evo makes Raspberry Pi into handy cam #3DPrinting #3Dthursday « adafruit industries blog,嘿,趕快用3D印表機印一印,就能得到這款便利的rpi+相機模組的外殼囉。
Raspberry pi with Astro Gun - YouTube,太強了,在平視顯示器HUD上玩隕石大戰。
Internet SteamGauge - A pressure gauge to display Internet usage,為數位世界加點類比風,以蒸汽壓力計顯示網路傳輸用量。
Starter Robot Kit V2.0-Blue (With Electronics) - Makeblock,相當完整的電動車套件。這裡有個競賽活動,說不定你能免費贏得一台喔。
Multi-Datacenter Cassandra on 32 Raspberry Pi’s : DataStax,32台Pi組成的運算叢集。



[廣告] Cocos2d-x實戰-手機遊戲策劃與開發的實務應用




Cocos2d-x遊戲引擎,因由開放原始碼、跨平台、高效能、安全性等等優良特點,受到全世界各地行動遊戲開發人員的熱愛,蘋果App Store排名前10名的遊戲中,有一半以上皆採用Cocos2d-x引擎,因此可知Cocos2d-x的魅力有多大。

本書從各個方向來介紹Cocos2d-x的理論基礎、核心技術、遊戲實例以及產品發布與市場營運的過程,另外還有C++程式設計、遊戲策劃、美術、等等,希望能夠幫助行動遊戲開發者快速瞭解並靈活運用Cocos2d-x引擎。書中的程式碼皆在Xcode和Cocos2d-x v2.2環境下通過編譯,並經過實際測試,具有非常高的實用價值,只要稍加修改便可用於商業化遊戲開發。


第1章 行動遊戲概論

第2章 行動遊戲策劃和美術

第3章 行動遊戲程式設計概論

第4章 Cocos2d-x介紹和開發環境設定
介紹Cocos2d-x的開發環境建置和Hello World專案實作,透過本章內容,您可以迅速入門開發一個最簡單的行動遊戲UI,並瞭解Cocos2d-x的運行原理。

第5章 Cocos2d-x核心技術

第6章 Cocos2d-x遊戲範例:飛機大戰

第7章 Cocos2d-x引擎二次封裝DeepBlueX

第8章 Cocos2d-x網路程式設計
介紹Cocos2d-x網路程式設計與網路遊戲的實作,包括網路遊戲模型、使用Apache搭建網路遊戲伺服器端、使用Cocos2d-x實作HTTP網路連接、使用BSD Socket實作Socket傳輸通訊。

第9章 手機遊戲的營運和推廣


Why Raspberry Pi is popular? -merely personal comments-

Wow, Raspberry Pi's Eben and Liz visited Taipei. RS Components held a convention in FutureWard . And I'm honored to give a talk about why Raspberry Pi is popular(successful). The following are the 20 slides I used and the brief descriptions.

Why Raspberry Pi is popular? This is a difficult question. I am not a trend expert or an experienced analyst. Neither do I have backdoor straight to the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Well, however, I'm interested in this question and try to provide some explanations. Caution: just some biased thoughts.

You got to have a goal. And the purpose of the charity organization Raspberry Pi Foundation is about education. That makes it very different.
You got to have a good team. Not only engineers, you also need to have masters accountable for other aspcts. Including an iconic figure to show on media and non-technicians to grow the community. Once set the goal and have a good work group, the rest just follows.
Naming is hard. Picking a good name is harder. It has to be unique. Well, even better to have a cute logo(icon) and a mascot. (Ubuntu, for god's sake, please abandon those bizarre codenames.)
First thing first, the product which you can hold on your hand. On the first sale day of Raspberry Pi Model B, it's a complete product. Robust, beautiful, decent, and just works. Although this should be a basic requirement, many other products out there don't satisfy.
We are not Apple who are willing to and able to control everything. So please utilize the already-built resources. When I kew that Raspbian is based on Debian, it made me relieve. Please don't make some small changes and add little new things, then call it a new name. By known familiar things, it will lower the enter barrier for the newbies.
Many hackers blamed the Foundation for not being real open. I don't think that is an issue. You have open something enough to let makers play, and not-open something to keep the profit.
From the first day, Raspberry Pi sells and distributes to the whole world. In this global villiage era, this seems not so big. However, many other boards don't.
The price of Raspberry Pi just hits the sweet point. Great!
Hardware spec is boring. Everybody likes to hear stories. Even before we could buy Raspberry Pi, there exists the blog website(and later Twitter) recording happings around it and tells us the story about the Raspberry Pi. Though the representative type of Raspberry Pi is Eben, I personally think the main driving force behind the success story of Raspberry Pi is Liz, the one who tells good stores about Pi.
What? Website? Are you kidding me? In the web version x.0 age, why should I put this as a factor of the success of Raspberry Pi? Well, please compare other boards' website, Raspberry Pi's website is just clean and elegant, period. There is no blah blah blah non-sense text. The English text is of high quality. Not too hard to read, and not too shabby such let natively-English-speakers think it's something bad.
Besides the execellent story-teller Liz, in the forum, there are also exists somebodies from the Raspberry Pi Foundation. They answer your questions, attract the early-adapters, and enrich the forum accumulating lots of Q and A. It's not an easy thing you could do it on spare time. It needs dedicated man and time.
I think the Raspberry Pi just came into a good time. The Arduino(and other microcontrollers) users want to upgrade to next level. The 32-bit ARM dev board users want something cheaper. And a lot of newcomers want to enter this area.
The above shows the main reasons I reckon as to lead to success of Raspberry Pi. The followings sometimes are the consequences of the previous factors. Sometimes are the causes of themselves, enabling them to go stronger.
Once you have a group of fans and enthusiasts, who are willing and happy to share, the community will get larger and larger. Attract makers from other camps.
Community is very import. So I put on two slides. Fans share with each other, attract more fans.
Even better, an ecosystem established. They start to build products around Raspberry Pi.
You can't just have a product and a datasheet. Please take a look at Adafruit. Pretty website listing execellent products, not only that, they provides detail tutorials and responsive forum.
The story doesn't end here. Raspberry Pi is still forwarding to the goal: education.
Thanks all. Let me stress this point again: just some biased personal opinions.


Raspberry Pi情報彙整(33)

我將網路上看到的、感興趣的、跟Raspberry Pi相關的資訊收集如下。如果您發現任何新奇驚人的新聞或專案,還請留言告知。

PiCE+, a metal outdoor case for the Raspberry Pi B+ & Camera by Elson Designs — Kickstarter,防水、耐重壓的外殼。募資中,結束日期是8月27日。

Sonic Pi Competition | Raspberry Pi,平常寫第一支程式是印出"Hello World",但Sonic Pi讓你發出聲音;何不參加此競賽,試試能以程式發出多麼有趣的旋律呢。
Indian Inventor Makes A Decidedly Unsexy (But Cool) Open Source Glass Clone | TechCrunch,你相信G公司真的會保護你的隱私嗎?何不自製數位眼鏡呢。
The making of the Raspberry Pi Model B+ | Raspberry Pi Today,想深入了解Compute Moduel、Model B+、HAT嗎,想知道未來即將推出的A+嗎,看看這一篇James Adams訪談就對了。
Winners of Raspberry Pi Photography award contest 2014,Adafruit舉辦的rpi攝影大賽落幕了,欣賞一下眾人的作品吧。
Windows comes to Raspberry Pi-style board in Microsoft/Intel project | Ars Technica,嘿,這是一塊名為Sharks Cove的開發板,瞄準的主要目標應該是開發使用Intel Atom的平板與行動裝置的周邊、以及任何使用Intel Atom的Windows與Android裝置的周邊。規格相當高,但也很貴,其後續發展就讓我們拭目以待吧。
Mostly Technical: ASTROGUN!,哇,拿在手上玩的射擊遊戲。
Pi Wars | The Raspberry Pi Robotics Challenge Competition,2014年12月將在英國劍橋舉辦的機器人競賽,除了要以rpi為核心之外,其他規則請看看這裡
An image-processing robot for RoboCup Junior | Raspberry Pi,rpi加相機模組,影像辨識進行尋跡。
Raspberry Pi 與 IPS 7吋 1280 x 800 觸碰面板CAVEDU教育團隊技術部落格 | CAVEDU教育團隊技術部落格,Cavedu團隊測試一款觸控面板。
How to Assemble the On/Off Power Switch from Pi Supply | Average Man vs Raspberry Pi,如何組裝這款rpi的電源開關模組。
RasPi magazine launches today – get your free downloads here | Linux User & Developer,哇,又一本專注於Raspberry Pi的新雜誌問世囉。
How To Emulate Rare and Retro Platforms on the Raspberry Pi | MAKE,透過模擬器,rpi也可以跑很多已成歷史追憶的硬體環境與作業系統,諸如Macintosh System 7、FreeDOS、Windows 3.0、MAME、8086、Commodore 64等。
ODROID-W:第一個與Raspberry Pi相容的開發板 - Make 國際中文版,採用與rpi相同的主晶片BCM2835,也就是說與rpi硬體相容,令人相當驚訝,定價$30美元;板子比rpi要小,除了相容於原先的設計,還有額外的GPIO腳位、ADC、RTC,另外有一塊子板含有以太網路、四個USB埠、音訊插孔、UART。Adafruit拍了不少更清楚的照片,此產品的網頁在此。
